Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Time Flies

time certainly flies when im...
planning our wedding
going to uni
writing essays
working shifts
finding somewhere to live after we are married (success with that!!)
...just to name a few things going on at the moment!!

so, things are majorly hectic at the moment and my brain feels like it is about to explode. i seem to be lacking the ability lately to cope with the smallest issue...normally im pretty go with the flow...its annoying, im not a fan!!

anyway, on a happier note, tim and i managed to get FREE FIRST CLASS train tickets to london in april and i happened to be off for easter so tim took a day off work and off we went. it was such a fantastic time and great to see dear friends ralph, katie and karen. i hadnt seen katie or karen for 3 years so it was fun to catch up! some of you my know that one of my fav movies is notting hill...well i had never been to that area of london so while ralph and karen went to work, tim, katie and i went off to find the filming location! it was fab...we walked miles and finally found the travel bookshop but i was disappointed not to see the blue front door which is apparently now black!! other highlights of the day were the changing of the guard at buckingham palace, a walk through the park and an amazing meal in covent garden to end with!

i cant believe that it is only 2 1/2 months until our wedding. plans are coming along nicely but i have to say i just cant wait for the day to be here and no more planning. IT IS SO STRESSFUL!!
i am happy to say that tim and i have found a lovely house to rent within 10 minutes walk to the hospital i work in. its ideal for us. our landlords are great too. they have done it all up and it looks like a brand new house inside. we get the keys in june so i will post photos of it then!

i have just started a new hospital placement and all seems to be going well so far. its always difficult settling in for the first few weeks but im sure i will manage! i have been off today though and the weather has been stunning. i have been in the garden nearly all day either hanging washing out, gardening or just sitting in the sun! its been a good day!

i think thats about all the news for now.

until next time...